Sponsor nutritious lunch to the adults who cannot afford it.


Sponsor the cost of a nutritious lunch for elderly, the homeless, and others who cannot afford it

This sponsorship includes the cost of providing lunches and quantity as selected from the drop-down menu. If you wish to sponsor more, please increase the amount (in whatever blocks of you have chosen) from the shopping cart.

SKU: Adult Meal x 50 Category:

These meals are cooked at ACT Foundation’s community kitchens with appropriate hygiene measures by using only plant-based ingredients. ACT Foundation will use the funds from your sponsorship to pay the expenses of acquiring ingredients, cocking fuel, hygienic consumables etc.

Cooked meals from the community kitchens are either served or parcelled and delivered to whoever is coming hungry.

As a sponsor of this noble cause, you will be notified with details as this happens.

If you would like your sponsorship utilised on a specific date (i.e. special days like birthdays, marriage anniversaries, or the remembrance day of your loved ones etc.), please provide at least 10 days’ notice to ACT Foundation so we can ensure the day. These requests can be placed in order notes of the shopping cart or emailed to [email protected].

While we are still committed to trying our level best to accommodate urgent requests, we may not be able to guarantee the date of your choice when requested on short notice.


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