Monthly recurring sponsorship for nutritious school meals to 100 students who need it.

£30.00 / Month

Sponsor every month the cost of nutritious school meals for 100 students who don’t have the luxury to bring them from home. They need this to concentrate on their studies.

This sponsorship includes the cost of providing 100 school meals every month.

SKU: School Meal x 100 Monthly Category:

These meals are provided in partnership with the ACT Foundation and schools where a deserving student cluster is identified.

These meals are cooked in the kitchens provided by the schools with appropriate hygiene measures by using only plant-based ingredients. ACT Foundation will use the funds from your sponsorship to pay the expenses of acquiring ingredients, cocking fuel, cooking wages etc.

Cooked meals from these kitchens are served to the students during the lunch break.

As a sponsor of this noble cause, you will be notified with details as this happens.

If you would like your sponsorship utilised on a specific date of the month, please let us know. These requests can be placed in order notes of the shopping cart or emailed to [email protected].


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