Our Founder

Mohanji has committed himself to raising the awareness of generations from selfishness to selflessness. He describes himself as a friend of the world.
His mission is to awaken kindness in people’s hearts. He has dedicated his life to serving the world with this single purpose – to raise humans to achieve the highest values of human potential, such as kindness, compassion, and non-violence. In other words, make the transition from humankind to kind humans.
His core teaching is “Be You” – accept, understand, recognize, and express your uniqueness. Mohanji firmly believes that humanity is the best religion for humans, and the best practice is ahimsa, or non-violence – in thought, words, or actions towards fellow beings across all species.
Mohanji has founded various global platforms for people to express themselves through acts of compassion and kindness that add value to society. Mohanji is married to Devi Mohan, and they have a daughter together.

In Mohanji’s words, “True wealth is what we give to the earth, not what we take.”

Global President

Devi Mohan is a multifaceted humanitarian and a role model for many women. She has served as the Global President of ACT Foundation since 2012, and she emphasises that serious charitable work starts when joining a team of like-minded people with a passion for compassion.
She says her entire life changed when she sincerely chose to serve the underprivileged – hands-on, from the heart, whichever way she could. In her view, that immediately touched her heart, and the light of purest love continues to transform lives across the globe through the ACT Foundation.
Devi trust ACT volunteers are the very heart of the Foundation, and they speak for the Foundation through their actions. She feels selfless service transforms the ACT volunteers at the deepest level, and they inspire each other.
Devi says, “We all get busy with life and easily distracted. Yet, that nudge to do more service happens by default when we are part of a group. We become more proactive and effective, increasing our reach”.
Devi strongly believes that “the group dynamic in social service transforms recipients’ lives.”


Our collective positive act can change the world.
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